Guarantors of our craftsmanship, our manufacturing processes are borrowed from chocolate pastry makers. After pre-grinding, nuts are cooked in a pan then cooled by manual and regular raking of the cooked praline, before finally being stirred at low temperature in a conch with all the ingredients for a period ranging from 17 to 24 hours. Perfectly mastered, these traditional processes give our spreads their smooth and unctuous texture, harmoniously restoring the taste of roasted nuts while enhancing their aroma.

The first Noiseraie skillet, a crazy story!

An agricultural engineer, Mr. Neuvy was very handy. In 1996, he made Noiseraie Productions' very first frying pan himself, using a tractor wheel rim that he welded onto cast iron, on top of which he tinkered with a mixer! A sign of his talent, this 100% artisanal skillet produces a praline deemed worthy of the taste requirements of the Meilleurs Ouvriers de France (Best Workers in France) ! It will even later serve as the prototype for the five other skillets that the company has today… made, this time, by a real boilermaker!

When hazelnut
meets almond

Concerned to enhance its agricultural production, the Neuvy family decided in 1996 to start manufacturing pralin from its hazelnuts, thus marking the birth of Noiseraie Productions.

CSR commitment

The company is committed to a policy
of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR), based on a set of principles that are concretely integrated into all of its decisions.


We strive to create products with high nutritional value, expressing the taste and benefits of natural products. We also act to reduce the environmental impact of our production, by optimizing the management of our waste and resources. And we only use fair trade sugar and cocoa with the “ Fair for Life” label !

Quality guarantee

Concerned about the quality of the products we sell, our procurement policy favors sustainable and fair trade raw materials. Each product is then subject to rigorous traceability and control, from one end of the production process to the other.

Employee well-being and safety

Wishing to perpetuate a state of mind of respect and mutual trust within our company, we strive to guarantee a pleasant working environment for all of our employees, preventing professional risks and promoting the fulfillment of each one.

Insertion into local tissue

Prioritizing sustainable development also means favoring local roots. Integrated into the local fabric, Noiseraie Productions is committed to the development of raw materials sectors by building solid and lasting partnerships.

Customer satisfaction

In order to establish a lasting relationship with our customers, we ensure that our products best meet their needs and level of requirement, while endeavoring to always communicate transparently about our policy and our activities.

Commercial loyalty

In order to promote a healthy and responsible work environment, we make sure to establish loyal and lasting commercial relations, based on balance and trust, by ensuring that our partners share our values and our requirements.

Noiseraie uses KAOKA fair trade cocoa in these chocolate products.
KAOKA today works in close and long-term partnership with nearly 5,000 families of cocoa bean producers in Ecuador, São Tomé, Peru and the Dominican Republic.
An overall improvement in quality and productivity continues year after year. Coupled with the purchase price above the market, guaranteed by KAOKA on their entire harvest, the producer benefits from a better income over time. For more than 25 years, KAOKA has supported producers in renovating their plantations. They are trained, have access to nurseries to replant, re-densify and graft their old trees.

Noiseraie manufactures its products with fair trade sugar. It is in contact with the Loiret sector, sugar produced in the Machado factories.
Jalles Machado was founded in 1980 with a social mission: to generate more jobs and income for Goianésia -GO. The company constantly invests in technology and innovation. It is also referenced in quality, environmental preservation, social responsibility, in addition to being present in more than 20 countries with the Itajá brand . Jalles Machado has certifications that guarantee that the company promotes sustainability, based on these three central areas: environmental protection, economic and social development. Valuing the human being and promoting sustainable development are the main pillars of the company. Their greatest capital is their employees, because they are the ones who make the difference in their business. Therefore, they value everyone and offer several programs on their benefits. The programs to which the FFL Development Fund applies are as follows:
*Essay Contest: To encourage reading and writing, the Foundation promotes the “Dr Otávio - Dream Builder” essay contest.
*Football school: The Jalles Machado Sports Association has had a football school since 1997.
*Vegetable garden: The company has an organic vegetable garden.
*Dentition Projects : The project aims to prevent dental diseases and to carry out educational actions with children in schools and other public institutions.