Croustinut biscuits
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Preparation tips
For the biscuit:
. 3 egg whites + 2 egg yolks
. 100 g cane sugar
. 30 g unsweetened cocoa
. 30 g flour
. 15 g cornstarch . 1 to 2 tablespoons Croustinut spread
For the mousse:
. 170 g dark chocolate
. 5 egg whites
Preheat your oven to 180°C.
- Whisk the 3 egg whites until stiff, gradually adding the cane sugar.
- Whisk in the yolks.
- Sift the cornflour, flour and cocoa powder.
-Add to the mixture, mixing gently.
- Place an 18 cm diameter circle (or about 4 small circles for individual portions) on a baking tray lined with ungreased baking paper.
- Pour in the mixture.
- Bake for 15 minutes at 180°C.
- Do not unmold and set aside.
- Melt the dark chocolate gently in the microwave.
- Whip the 5 egg whites until stiff then gently add to the melted chocolate.
- Add the Croustinut spread and mix well.
- Optional: Place a piece of rhodoïd film on the inside of the circle to make it easier to remove from the mold.
- Pour the mousse over the cooled cake.
- Leave in the fridge for 4 hours.
- Gently peel off the cake by passing a knife blade underneath the cake and between the circle and the rhodoïd.
- Sprinkle with sifted cocoa powder and sprinkle with chocolate shavings or decorate the cake with vanilla whipped cream and praline.